The Journey of Akesis Life

All story has its story to tell, also the ‘Akesis Life Integrative Oncology Centre’. Let’s watch Dr Chatchai Sribundit, a distinguished founder, talks about the beginning of Akesis Life and its journey to becoming the world-class integrative cancer treatment...

How to lower risk of cancer

Prevention is better than cure. Even though it is hard to say what the single cause of cancer is, Dr Sitt, an Integrative Medicine Practitioner, tells how we can lower our risk exposure by changing or adopting some behaviours and improving our chances of beating the...

How Immune system fights cancer

Do you wonder why the immune system is critical in fighting cancer? Dr Sitt Tienthiti, an Integrative Medicine Practitioner, has an answer. He tells us how the immune system works, how the disease weakens the immune system, and how the healthy immune system can fight...