Vitamin D

In response to sun exposure, the human body produces vitamin D. A person can also increase their vitamin D intake by eating certain foods or taking supplements.

One of the key functions of Vitamin D is to help stimulate the production and activation of white blood cells which is vital to the immune system. Vitamin D is essential for several other reasons and they are as follows:

• Supports lung and cardiovascular function.
• Regulate insulin levels.
• Can affect cancer development.
• Supports brain, and nervous functions.
• Stimulates the function of Natural Killer (NK) Cell and white blood cells (as mentioned above) to improve the immune system.


Deficiency in Vitamin D may cause the following:

• Mood swings
• Impaired wound healing
• Hair loss
• Muscle aches and pains
• Prone to sickness or infection
• Fatigue
• Bone and back pain