
It is a type of treatment in which the treating physician chooses from a wide range of natural extracts containing biologically active chemical compounds found only in plants. The extract used in this class of natural medicines gives them their distinct colour, smell, or taste. An experienced physician would titrate the medications based on the patients’ needs to maximize the benefits of treatment.

Phytonutrients and their general health benefits:

  • Antioxidant
  • Boost the immune system
  • Reduce inflammation

Phytonutrients may be used differently in cancer patients than dietary supplements and vitamins. In general, the doctor must evaluate the patient’s immunity, as well as whether or not the patient is receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

How can phytonutrients help cancer patients?

The great majority of cancer patients suffer from a variety of issues, including anorexia, weight loss, and more. These phytochemicals will be used to supplement the primary diet. Two examples are curcumin, which is found in turmeric, and EGCG, which is found in green tea. They have been demonstrated to have anti-cancer properties in numerous studies. Adequate therapeutic nutrients can improve a patient’s nutrition and immunity while also making him or her exceedingly resistant to the side-effects of conventional therapies.

How is the use of phytonutrients for cancer patients?

Phytonutrients may be used differently in cancer patients than dietary supplements and vitamins. In general, the doctor must evaluate the patient’s immunity, as well as whether or not the patient is receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy. This is due to the fact that many phytonutrients may have characteristics that hinder chemical action. As a result, the patient should supply the treating doctor with a comprehensive treatment history so that the correct phytonutrients can be provided for optimal efficacy.

Things to know when using phytonutrients as a form treatment.

Phytonutrients, can be used in a combination of therapies, especially for cancer treatment. Research studies have shown that phytonutrients have few if any side-effects as compared to other forms of cancer therapies, and therefore, they can be highly beneficial as a form of treatment.