Why does the simple workshop like cooking, handcraft can help cancer patients battle with cancer? That must be questioned in a lot of people mind. Mandy Lee, 27, a cancer patient at Akesis Life Integrative Oncology Centre in Bangkok is here to share her experiences of being active workshops attendant.
“It’s been the first time that I don’t feel anxious since I, you know..” Mandy was a diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancer 6 years ago when she just finished the second year at medical school. She came to Bangkok to receive integrative treatments since February, where the workshops are an integral part of cancer treatments.
At Akesis Life’s Thursday workshops, Art Therapy and Cooking Class airing on Facebook Live every week, the audience can see Mandy at all shows as she is the most frequent attendant.
“I am a very active person by nature. I love joining activities, making new friends and so on. The result is amazing! I enjoy it so much. It’s the time that I can totally forget what I’m dealing with,” Mandy can see the genuine impact of mental health with cancer.
Before receiving immunotherapy treatments at Akesis Life, Mandy has been through various therapies, including chemo and radiations sessions, just to name a few. Still, the path left her brutal scare of side effects without success. In 2016, Mandy was told that there was zero chance with only two months to live, but the tough cookie defied all odds.
Mandy had put most enormous efforts searching for opportunities, that was how she found integrative medicine. With the new cancer treatment plans, her chance of defeating the disease is higher. Despite the undergoing treatments, cancer is no longer terrifying as it used to be. “My journey doesn’t end yet, but I realise that no matter how the screening test result comes out as long as I am feeling healthy and pain-free like this. I feel very content,”