Personalized vitamins - Quiz

Personalized vitamins - Quiz - EN
Current address & living country

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Are you currently taking any medications,vitamins or supplements?
Do you have any allergies or are you sensitive to any drugs or substances?
Do you have any underlying disease?
What is your main purpose? (Select at least 1)
Do you experience allergy symptoms?
Do you easily get sick?
Do you have any heart concerns?
Have you been treated with antibiotics in the last 6 months?
Which of these best describes your current situation?
How often do you get your period?
Do you suffer from premenstrual syndrome?
Do you experience any of these during your period?
Do you have one of the following allergies?
Are you on a specific diet?
How many times do you eat meat per week?
How many fruits and vegetables do you eat per week?
How many dairy products do you eat per week?
Do you drink coffee?
Do you smoke everyday?
Do you regularly come into contact with second hand smoke?
Do you drink 8 or more alcoholic drinks per week?
Which best describes your bowel movements, usually?
Do you regularly experience any of the following?
How often do you face stress per week?
How do you feel when you are stressed out?
In an average week, how often do you feel burned out?
Do you have trouble falling asleep?
Do you sometimes feel tired when you wake up?
Do you sometimes feel an afternoon energy slump?
Do you have short-term memory problems?
Do you sometimes have trouble focusing or concentrating?
How often do you experience temporary joint discomfort or stiffness?
How many times per week do you exercise?
What type of physical activity do you usually engage in?
How does your skin feel generally?
What are your skin concerns?
Which of these best describes your current hair problem?
Which of these do you like your nails to be improved on?
Have you done any blood result in the last 3 month?
Do you have any other health concerns to consult with the doctor?
Are you interested in having an online consultation?